What is a rhizome?

A rhizome is an underground plant stem that has nodes, which are points along the rhizome where roots and shoots emerge.

They are a common way to propagate plants that are identical to the parent plant. Not only do they have a much higher success rate than raising plants from seed, but they are faster to maturity and flowering.

They are much easier to send via post because you're not paying for pots and soil.

Will they grow in my climate?

Heliconias and gingers are tropical plants and you should aim to replicate a tropical microclimate as best you can and read our growing tips.

Most of coastal QLD will have no problem growing heliconia and gingers. In NSW, from the QLD border down to Sydney, there are many varieties that can thrive but they need to be protected from cold wind and harsh sun so they should be placed in a sheltered space with morning or afternoon sun and part shade. Ensure you select a cold hardy variety if you live outside of QLD. 

If you live in VIC or SA there are still options for tropicals with a bit of special care. And no matter where you live, all tropicals can be grown as 'indoor' plants.

​What should i do when my plants arrive?

Please unpack your package straight away. Plant your rhizomes into a larger pot if you are not ready to plant them out in the garden. (Please don't plant them outside during winter outside of the tropics!)

Water only as necessary in winter as the rhizomes do not like to be wet and cold. When Spring rolls around you can start to fertilise them as they grow quickly in the warm weather. 

How do I plant rhizomes?

Rhizomes grow best when the weather is warm.

Your rhizomes will generally have a main stem and the base where the roots and growth points are located. The base needs to be planted just below the surface with any growth point close to the surface of the soil. Rhizomes planted too deep and left in cold areas often submit to rot.

If the weather is hot give them a good watering every day to two days. They enjoy being moist but not too wet unless there is high humidity. 

As the roots establish under the soil, the main stem of the rhizome will dry out and die back. This is normal. The new growth comes from the growth points at the base.

To begin with, the rhizome will put most of it's energy into establishing roots. From there you can expect faster growth rates as the plant grows bigger.

Keep dry in winter, especially in cooler climates or else they will rot.

Please take into consideration the light requirements of each plant, and its maximum height before planting out. Heliconias will generally grow taller in the shade than they do in full sun. 

How many should i plant?

Tropical gardens get their resort looks from layering lush foliage and bright blooms. A common trick used in garden design is planting in groups of odd numbers giving a more natural feel to the layout.

What kind of soil should I use?

The most important aspect to consider when planting your plants out is that you have loose and free draining soil. If the rhizomes are too wet, particularly through the cooler season, they run the risk of rotting. 

They benefit from good organic matter since tropical plants grow fast and need lots of nutrients. Mulch around the base to keep them moist and protected from the harsh sun.


Be sure to mulch your plants well to protect the soil from drying out and to increase organic matter in the soil.

The best time to fertilise is during their active growing season, which typically coincides with the warmer months of the year. In general, it is recommended to fertilise heliconias every 4 to 6 weeks during their growing period to provide them with the necessary nutrients for robust growth and vibrant bracts (flowers).

As the cooler months approach and the heliconias enter their dormant phase, typically in winter, reduce or stop fertilising. During this period, the plants require less nutrients as their growth slows down.

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Please email us at meg@syntropica.com.au